Resalta tu belleza con nuestros tratamientos

Faciales y tratamientos personalizados para cada tipo de piel.

Faciales rejuvenecedores para una piel radiante.

Tratamientos corporales que realzan tu figura.

Servicios de cosmeatría para tu bienestar integral.

Resalta tu belleza

En The Beauty Clinica, ofrecemos tratamientos faciales, peeling, lifting, limpieza profunda , hidrataciones, oxigenante, corporales como maderoterapia, reductivos, reafirmantes, moldeantes, linfáticos, celulitis, entre otros cada uno de nuestros tratamientos personalizados. Nuestro objetivo es hacerte lucir y sentir hermosa, con un enfoque profesional en cada servicio que brindamos.

Tu belleza es nuestra pasión
Citas fáciles y rápidas

Dirigido por Karen Mora, te invitamos a agendar tu cita y descubrir cómo podemos resaltar tu belleza con nuestros tratamientos adaptados a tu piel.

Servicios de Belleza

Ofrecemos tratamientos faciales y corporales personalizados para resaltar tu belleza única y natural.

Tratamientos Faciales

Faciales personalizados para todo tipo de piel, diseñados para rejuvenecer y revitalizar tu rostro.

Cuidado Corporal

Tratamientos corporales adaptados a tus necesidades, para que te sientas y luzcas espectacular.

Opiniones Clientes

Descubre lo que dicen nuestros clientes sobre sus experiencias.

HOLA HERMOSA !! ANDO FASCINADA a todo mundo le platico lo que me hiciste muchísimas gracias

Romina hernandez
Various beauty and skincare products are neatly arranged on a white dressing table with a round mirror. The assortment includes perfumes, creams, and boxes, some with recognizable labels. Next to the mirror, a book sits with a decorative item resembling cotton branches in the background.
Various beauty and skincare products are neatly arranged on a white dressing table with a round mirror. The assortment includes perfumes, creams, and boxes, some with recognizable labels. Next to the mirror, a book sits with a decorative item resembling cotton branches in the background.

Ocotlán Jal.

Hola Karen, solo para decirte que me encanto ! se me ve la piel super bonita mil gracias 🥹✨

A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.

Ocotlán Jal.

A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.
A serene spa setting with three beauty product tubes displayed prominently on a small round table. In the background, a person relaxing in a bathtub with a towel wrapped around their head and sunglasses.

Me encanto !🫶🏻 muy hydrated ayyyy que ganas que estuvieras en Chicago para ir SIEMPREEEEEEE muchas gracias en mi próxima visita sin pensarlo me volverás a ver ☺️

Chicago IL.

Caro Sanchez
April Aceves

Me encanta venir aquí me siento muy relajada y cómoda siempre que visito Mexico si dudarlo vengo aqui.

Los Angeles CA.

Siempre salgo siempre super relajada, tienes manos de ángel ! el mejor lugar en Ocotlán sin duda alguna.

Rosi Vazquez

Guadalajara Jal.

Muy relajada, me encanto ! quisiera que estuvieras en Alemania

Rosi Vazquez

Fráncfort del meno, Alemania.